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deduct VAT

How to Deduct VAT on Pre-Registration Expenses

Many of our clients ask the question: “Can I deduct VAT on purchases or expenses acquired before the registration date?”  The short answer is Yes. That’s the answer the TEAC (Central Administrative Economic Court) gives us in its resolution is… Read more

Organization: The Key to Having More Time

Time is one of the most valuable abstract things in the business world and even more if you are self-employed. We all know that the self-employed “have no work schedules”, in the sense that they work many hours. Therefore, in… Read more
Workation for freelancers

What Is Workation For Freelancers

The word “workation” or “workcation” became fashionable a few years ago in the United States, and the reason is that in few jobs there they have more than a week of vacation. So the employees started asking their employers to… Read more

All About “Pluriactividad” for Self-employed in Spain

You have probably heard about “pluriactividad” (or pluri-activity in the Social Security website), but you don’t know exactly what it is and if in your case you can take it in to register as a self-employed. In today’s post, we… Read more
cryptocurrencies abroad

Cryptocurrencies Abroad: You Must Submit This Declaration in 2024

In this article, I will talk about the taxation in Spain of cryptocurrencies abroad, specifically trading and mining. It is important to understand how the Economic Activities Tax (IAE) and the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) affect these activities. Additionally, I… Read more
form 720

Form 720: What is and who submits it?

Form 720 is nothing more than an informative declaration on goods and rights located abroad. Seen in this way, it does not seem more relevant or complicated than other informative declarations, such as form 347 (annual declaration of operations with… Read more
form 347

Form 347: Operations With Third Parties In Spain

If you are an entrepreneur, self-employed, or intend to be, you have undoubtedly heard of form 347 for operations with third parties in Spain. And do you know what it comprises and who must present it?  In our article today,… Read more
non-deductible vat

Non-deductible VAT: Essential Guide for Any Freelancer in Spain

As you can guess from the title of the article, there is a non-deductible VAT. It means that not all the VAT you pay is considered deductible. To consider the paid VAT deductible, it must meet a series of requirements. Non-deductible… Read more
Autonomo Tax Calculator

Autonomo Tax Calculator


In this detailed article you will learn how much you are going to pay in taxes if you become self-employed in Spain. Let's all 24 profiles...